Media activities
Guidelines for taking photographs or film footage of students in class
The guidelines should be followed by all students: parents, guardians or friends of students; all visitors; and the media. YBS will follow the guidelines in taking photographs or film footage.
General principles
The overall aims of these guidelines are:
To reduce the opportunities for unscrupulous individuals to gain access
to, or information about, students taking part in YBS events;
To protect students wherever photographs or recorded images are taken and stored.
The guidelines will be available at all YBS events and on YBS’ website. A notice concerning the taking of photographs and/or film footage will be on display at all YBS events.
Parents or guardians of students and all students will be asked to sign a form giving consent for photographs and/or film footage to be taken and they have the right not to give that consent.
No students will be excluded from an activity should consent not
be given.
General guidelines for taking photographs and/or film footage
All students featured should be appropriately dressed. Students are usually dressed in leotards (girls) and shorts (boys) as a minimum.
The photograph should focus on the activity not on a particular student.
As an exception, parents, guardians and friends of a student may photograph or film their student but if other students may be in the frame, this guideline should still be followed. Where possible images of students should be recorded in groups. Include the dance teacher/workshop leader in the photograph and/or film footage when it is appropriate to do so.
Photographs and film footage should be representative, accurate and sensitive to religious and cultural beliefs.
Use and Publication of Images
The guidelines apply to publication in print, on websites and on social media
All photographs and film footage intended for publication must be taken in accordance with the guidelines.
If a photograph or film is used, avoid naming the students or use their first name only. YBS avoids giving details that may lead to a personal identification of a child. Personal details such as e-mail address, home address and telephone numbers must never be released.
In some circumstances, it may be necessary for YBS to use full names. If this is necessary YBS will only give out names if they are satisfied that informed consent has been obtained from the student and their parents or guardian.
Photographs and film footage used specifically for publicity material such as leaflets and posters in print or on websites or social media should not be continuously re-used. Images should be used in conjunction with the project they relate to and should be reviewed regularly.
Any third party organisation that requests images from YBS will be required to restrict their use to the purpose for which they were requested.
Commissioning photography
When commissioning professional photographers or inviting the press to watch a YBS event or activity, YBS will ensure they are clear about the expectations of them in relation to Safeguarding and they will be provided with these guidelines.
YBS will provide photographers with a clear brief about what is considered appropriate in terms of content and behaviour and aim to seek assurances from the photographer that photographs will not be sold on or made available to any inappropriate organisation or individuals
Photographers will not be left unsupervised when working with students. YBS staff must be present at all times.